White belt

  • Understand basic dojo etiquette, the parts of the training uniform, and basic commands.

  • Know how to tie your belt, bow, and stand in shizentai (natural stance).

    Show a basic understanding of how to punch in shizentai (natural stance). Arm techniques should have hikite (pulling hand).

    Commands given should be loud and clear.

  • 1.) Tie your belt correctly without assistance.

    2.) Stand in bowing position and shizentai.

    3.) Show how to bow.

    4.) Give the commands to bow to the front, the instructors, and each other, clearly and correctly.

    5.) Demonstrate a basic punch and hikite (pulling hand).

Orange belt

  • Perform basic external techniques with simple execution and perform Heian Shodan and the Sanbon Kumite sequence from beginning to end without assistance.

  • Kata: Perform kata with decent balance, posture, stability, & stance.

    Kihon: Show a basic understanding of techniques and the difference between stances. Arm techniques should have hikite (pulling hand), stances should be of sufficient depth. and kicks should show coil & recoil.

    Kumite: Perform kumite with basic awareness of distance and timing.

  • Kata
    1. Perform Heian Shodan (must perform entire kata without assistance)

    2. Demonstrate Movement #4 (the pull & strike) with a partner


    1. forward Step-In Punch (chudan)

    2. backward Rising Block

    3. forward Outside Block

    4. backward Inside Block

    5. forward Knife-Hand Block

    6. forward Front Kick (chudan)

    7. forward Round Kick (chudan)

    8. forward Side Kick (front leg)


    Sanbon Kumite (3-step sequence with a partner):

    Attacker start from Downward Block (left leg forward) Defender start from Standing Position (Shizentai)

    1. Attacker: Step-In Punch (head) 3x forward

    Defender: Rising Block (backwards) / Reverse Punch after last block

    - Change roles & repeat other direction -

    2. Repeat above sequence but with attacker punching stomach / defender stepping back blocking with outside block.

Orange belt

  • Show improved technique execution and precision in form.

  • Kata: Show basic connection of arm movements to stepping & hip rotation.

    Kihon: Stances should have sufficient depth | Accurate form on windups & hikite | Improved posture. Perform simple coordination of block/counter combinations | Show improved coil & recoil on kicks.

    Kumite: Perform kumite with basic awareness of distance and timing.

  • Kata
    1. Perform Heian Nidan

    2. Demonstrate the practical application (Bunkai) from the first three moves of Heian Nidan with a partner.


    1. forward Step-In Punch (jodan)

    2. backward Rising Block / Reverse Punch (chudan)

    3. forward Outside Block / Reverse Punch (chudan)

    4. backward Inside Block / Reverse Punch (chudan)

    5. forward Knife Hand Block

    6. forward Front Kick (chudan)

    7. forward Round Kick (chudan)

    8. forward Side Kick (front leg)


    Sanbon Kumite (3-step sequence with a partner):

    • Attacker start from Downward Block (left leg forward)

    • Defender start from Standing Position (Shizentai)

    1. Attacker: Step-In Punch (head) 3x forward

    Defender: Rising Block (backwards) / Reverse Punch after last block

    - Change roles & repeat other direction -

    2. Repeat above sequence but with attacker punching stomach/defender

    stepping back blocking with outside block.

Green belt

  • Show improved accuracy of form and maintenance of proper structure while performing a variety of basic techniques.

  • Kata: Show more complex body dynamics and accuracy in stance transitions.

    Kihon: Improved posture in all techniques | Accurate technique preparation including Leading arm | Block & punch without raising shoulders | Keep elbows connected to body | Accurate coordination of block/counter combinations | Improved muscle contraction and basic control| Move with speed while maintaining structure | Improved stance accuracy and technique timing

    Kumite: Show proper blocking form & body alignment in counter attacks.

  • Kata
    1. Perform Heian Sándan

    2. Demonstrate 1 Bunkai sequence (student's choice) from the above kata

    with a partner.


    1. forward Triple Punch (jodan-chudan-chudan)

    2. backward Rising Block/Reverse Punch (chudan)

    3. forward Outside Block / Elbow Strike (kiba-dachi)

    4. backward Knife Hand Block/Nukite (chudan)

    5. forward Inside Block / Reverse Punch (chudan)

    6. forward Double Front Kicks (back leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    7. forward forward Double Round Kicks (back leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    8. forward Side Kick (front leg)


    Ippon Kumite (attacker gedan barai / defender shizentai / no shifting)

    Block/counter against:

    Step-In Punch (jodan) Step-In Punch (chudan)

    • Front Kick (chudan)

Purple belt

  • Perform basic techniques with advanced form, structure, body dynamics, and speed.

  • Kata: Show precision in stance transitions and body control in slow movements.

    Kihon: Show a clear differentiation between different body dynamics | Step with speed and power without stomping | Perform kicking combinations while maintaining good form and transition.

    Kumite: Improved accuracy in targeting & directional force while moving with speed.

  • Kata
    1. Perform Heian Yondan

    2. Demonstrate 1 Bunkai sequence (student's choice) from above kata with a partner.


    1. forward Triple Punch (jodan-chudan-chudan)

    2. backward Rising Block/Reverse Punch

    3. forward Outside Block / Elbow Strike Back-Fist Strike

    4. backward Knife Hand Block/(front leg) Front Kick/

    (step down) Knife-Hand Strike (jodan)

    5. forward Inside Block / Reverse Punch

    6. forward Double Front Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    7. forward Double Round Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    8. forward Side Kick (front leg)

    9. forward Back Thrust Kick

    10. forward Front Kick (back leg) / Round Kick (back leg) / Reverse Punch


    Ippon Kumite (attacker gedan barai / defender shizentai / no shifting)

    Block/counter against:

    Step-In Punch (jodan)

    Step-In Punch (chudan)

    Front Kick (chudan)

    Jiyu Ippon Kumite (both shifting in fighting stance) Block/Counter:

    (shift in) Jab (jodan)

    (shift in) Reverse Punch (chudan

Purple belt

  • Show further improvement in form, structure, body dynamics, and speed.

  • Kata: Apply effective body dynamics during changes in direction and stance.

    Kihon: Show basic power generation through improved integration of body dynamics and structure.

    Kumite: Show proper directional force during ippon kumite and effective timing during jiyu ippon.

  • Kata:

    1. Perform Heian Godan

    2. Demonstrate 1 Bunkai sequence (student's choice) from above kata with a partner.


    1. forward Triple Punch (jodan-chudan-chudan)

    2. backward Rising Block/Reverse Punch

    3. forward Outside Block / Elbow Strike Back-Fist Strike

    4. backward Knife Hand Block/(front leg) Front Kick/ (step down)/Nukite

    5. forward Inside Block / Reverse Punch

    6. forward Double Front Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    7. forward Double Round Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    8. forward Side Kick (front leg)

    9. forward Back Thrust Kick

    10. forward Front Kick (back leg) / Round Kick (back leg) / Reverse Punch


    Ippon Kumite (attacker gedan barai / defender shizentai / no shifting)

    Block/Counter against:

    Step-In Punch (jodan)

    Step-In Punch (chudan)

    Front Kick (chudan)

    Round Kick (chudan)

    Jiyu Ippon Kumite (shifting in fighting stance) Block/Counter against:

    (shift in) Jab (jodan)

    (shift in) Reverse Punch (chudan)

Brown belt

  • The brown belt kyu levels represent the "finishing" period prior to black belt. The following general expectations should be applied contextually to all examinees:

    • Display body awareness & muscle development allowing effective technique.

    • Technical building blocks of posture, stance, & body dynamics should be solidified.

    • Techniques should transform from simply accurate to being strong & effective.

    • Perform techniques with adequate speed, power, control, stability, & directional force.

  • Kata: Generate adequate power with shortened techniques from Kiba Dachi

    Kihon: Perform kihon with increased speed, power, and control.

    Kumite: Perform kumite with competent control, distance, timing and zanshin.

  • Kata
    1. Perform Tekki Shodan

    2. Demonstrate 1 Bunkai sequence (student's choice) from above kata.


    1. forward Triple Punch (jodan-chudan-chudan)

    2. backward Rising Block / Front Kick (front leg) / Reverse Punch

    3. forward Outside Block / Elbow Strike / Back-Fist /Reverse Punch

    4. backward Knife Hand Block / (front leg) Front Kick / Nukite

    5. forward Inside Block / Reverse Punch

    6. forward Double Front Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    7. forward Double Round Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    8. forward Side Kick (front leg) / Step-In Punch

    9. forward Back Thrust Kick

    10. forward Front Kick / Round Kick (same leg) / Step-In Punch

    11. forward Round Kick/ Back Thrust / Reverse Punch

    12. in place Front Kick / Side Snap (same leg/both sides)


    Jiyu Ippon Kumite (shifting in fighting stance) Block/Counter against:

    1. Step-In Punch (jodan)

    2. Step-In Punch (chudan)

    3. Front Kick (chudan)

    4. Round Kick (chudan)

    5. Side Kick (front leg/chudan)

    6. (shift in) Jab (jodan)

    7. (shift in) Reverse Punch (chudan)

2nd KYU
Brown belt

  • The following general expectations should be applied contextually to all examinees:

    • Display increased body awareness & muscle development allowing effective technique.

    • Technical building blocks of posture, stance, & body dynamics should be solidified and be explained by the examinee.

    • Techniques should transform from simply accurate to being strong & effective.

    • Perform techniques with increased speed, power, control, stability, & directional force.

  • Kata: Generate increased power with shortened techniques from Kiba Dachi

    Kihon: Perform kihon with increased speed, power, and control.

    Kumite: Perform kumite with competent control, distance, timing and zanshin.

  • Kata
    1. Perform Sentai Kata

    2. Demonstrate 1 Bunkai sequence (student's choice) from above kata.


    1. forward (step forward) Triple Punch (jodan-chudan-chudan)

    2. backward Rising Block / Front Kick (front leg) / Reverse Punch

    3. forward Outside Block / Elbow Strike / Back-Fist /Reverse Punch

    4. backward Knife Hand Block / (front leg) Front Kick / Nukite

    5. forward Inside Block / Jab (same arm)

    6. forward Double Front Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    7. forward Double Round Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    8. forward Side Kick (front leg) / Step-In Punch

    9. forward Back Thrust Kick /Reverse Punch

    10. forward Front Kick / Round Kick (same leg) / Step-In Punch

    11. forward Round Kick/ Back Thrust / Reverse Punch

    12. in place Front Kick / Side Snap /Side Thrust (same leg/both sides)


    Jiyu Ippon Kumite (shifting in fighting stance) Block/Counter against:

    1. Step-In Punch (jodan)

    2. Step-In Punch (chudan)

    3. Front Kick (chudan)

    4. Round Kick (chudan)

    5. Side Kick (front leg/chudan)

    6. (shift in) Jab (jodan)

    7. (shift in) Reverse Punch (chudan)

Brown belt

  • As the last step prior to Shodan level, examinee should be able to perform an advanced Kata, basic Kihon, and Kumite devoid of all major structural flaws and with competent speed, power, and control appropriate to their individual body type.

  • Kata: Perform an advanced kata proficiently and with effective bunkai application.

    Kihon: Perform basic & advanced kihon with speed, power, & control.

    Kumite: Perform Ippon & Jiyu Ippon kumite with proficiency & effectiveness.

  • Kata:

    1. Perform Sentai Kata

    2. Demonstrate 1 Bunkai sequence (student's choice) from above kata.


    1. forward (shift forward) Jab/ (step forward) Triple Punch (jodan-chudan-chudan)

    2. backward Rising Block / Front Kick (front leg) / Reverse Punch

    3. forward Outside Block / Elbow Strike / Back-Fist /Reverse Punch

    4. backward Knife Hand Block / (front leg) Front Kick / Nukite

    5. forward Inside Block / Jab (same arm) / Reverse Punch

    6. forward Double Front Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    7. forward Double Round Kicks (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    8. forward Side Kick (front leg) / Step-In Punch

    9. forward Back Thrust Kick /Reverse Punch

    10. forward Front Kick / Round Kick (same leg) / Step-In Punch

    11. forward Round Kick/ Back Thrust / Reverse Punch

    12. in place Front Kick / Side Snap /Side Thrust / Back Thrust (same leg/both sides)


    Jiyu Ippon Kumite (shifting in fighting stance) Block/Counter against:

    1. Step-In Punch (jodan)

    2. Step-In Punch (chudan)

    3. Front Kick (chudan)

    4. Round Kick (chudan)

    5. Side Kick (front leg/chudan)

    6. Back Kick (chudan)

    7. (shift in) Jab (jodan)

    8. (shift in) Reverse Punch (chudan)


1st Degree black belt

  • At this level a student has reached the first level of expertise in the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of basic karate techniques and principles.

    Physical expertise is seen in the ability to perform all or most of the basic karate techniques with advanced muscle integration, body dynamics, and full-body involvement.

    Mental expertise is seen in the ability to explain the principles making up the basic techniques, why they are performed the way they are, and a functional degree of understanding of the cultural and historical significance of the art.

    Spiritual expertise is seen in the expression of mind-body integration, direction of energy, stamina, self-control, and discipline.

  • Kata:

    1.) Demonstrate proficiency in all four Primary Technical Elements: Form, Body Dynamics, Power, Transition.

    2.) Functional understanding of bunkai principles of the student’s chosen kata


    Perform these body dynamics consistently throughout kihon: Rotation, Vibration, Shifting/Stepping


    Show continuous partner engagement with basic karate techniques (punching, kicking, blocking) - not rudimentary brawling.

    Show basic strategy including offensive combinations rather than single isolated techniques rather than freezing, or clashing.

    Show basic footwork including movement forward, back, sideways, and including stepping, shifting, and tai sabaki.

    Show basic understanding of distance and the ability to deliver a controlled offensive or counter-attack within three inches of an opponent and without unsafe contact.

    Show basic understanding of timing through feints, footwork, and blocking.

  • Kata
    1. Perform any Sentai kata from: Bassai Dai, Jion, Enpi, Kanku Dai

    2. Demonstrate 1 Bunkai sequence (Examinee’s choice) from above kata.

    3. Perform a kata chose by Examiner from Heian 1 through Tekki Shodan


    1. forward (shift forward) Jab / (step forward) Triple Punch

    2. backward Rising Block / Front Kick (front leg) / Reverse Punch

    3. forward Outside Block / Elbow Strike / Backfist Strike / Reverse Punch

    4. backward Knife Hand Block/ (front leg) Front Kick/ (step down) Knife Hand Strike (neck level)

    5. forward Inside Block / (front leg) Front Kick+ (same arm/same time as kick) Jab / Reverse Punch

    6. forward Double Front Kick (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    7. forward Double Round Kick (front leg chudan/back leg jodan)

    8. forward (step up with back leg - kick with front leg) Side Kick/ Step-in Punch

    9. forward Back Thrust / Reverse Punch

    10. forward (back leg) Front Kick/ (same leg) Round Kick / Step-In Punch (back leg)

    11. forward Round Kick/ (back leg) Back Thrust /

    Backfist Strike / Reverse Punch

    12. in place Front Kick/Side Snap / Side Thrust / Round Kick /Back Kick/Crane kick


    1. Perform Offensive Sparring (Examinee attacks/partner defends) 2. Perform Defensive Sparring (partner attacks / Examinee defends) 3. Perform Jiyu Kumite (free sparring)

    See Free Sparring Alternatives (page 2) for Examinees aged 50 or older or with physical limitations.